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3. p. 55 An Analysis of Changes in Operational Efficiency and Productivity of College in the Metropolitan Area
Mi-Hyun Bang, Young-Min Lee
4. p. 77 Living SOC Supply Effect of Urban Regeneration Project: Focusing on Improving Location Efficiency and Spatial Accessibility of Cultural Facilities
Lim, Sang-yon, Lee, Se-young, Kim, Hyun-joong
7. p. 139 A Study on the Characteristics of Local Government Funds : Focusing on the Self-Supporting Fund of Gyeonggi-do
Choi, Jo Soon, Choi, Seong Eun
10. p. 201 The Predictors of the Intention to Utilize Mental Health Services in Youth Population by applying the Anderson Model
Hong, JaeEun, Lee, HyoChul, Kim, Dohyun