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4. p. 97 The Effects of Mothers’ Covid-19 Stress and Parental Role Stress on Depression: A Moderated Mediating Effect of Social Support
Kim, Sun-Mi, Park, Yi-Seul, Kim, Yeong-Hee
5. p. 123 Job mobility and wage change of young people in the metropolitan area
Hwang Kwanghoon, Oh Yun-seok, Hong SeokHyeon
6. p. 153 A study on the effect of “Land Value Tax-Basic Income” on easing the income gap between regions
Lee, Seongyoung, Lim, Jaeman
11. p. 297 A Study on the Determinants of Multicultural Acceptance of Public Officials
Kyoungdal Ro, Geon Lee
12. p. 333 Why surveillance drones could not fly in the sky? : Theory and application of social acceptance
Hyejin Jung, Young sam Oh, Wonbin Her